Stress Management 2.0

Decrease your stress level and increase well-being

More joy - less stress

Say goodbye to stress and welcome to more well-being. 
Get going in 2 minutes. Why wait?

1.495 DKK. incl. taxes

Stress Management 2.0

Do you long for more joy and ease in your life?

On this online course you will get 15 efficient tools to increase your energy and decrease stress. On top of that you will get tools and knowledge, interviews with experts and a lot more. The foundation is our 3×5-model. It is 15 specific exercises served in the right order. Less talk and more efficiency through actions. 

Talk is fine but action is better. This course is action-oriented but with small actions that make a significant difference. This course focuses on things you have the ability to change in your life. And after the first two weeks you will start to feel the difference.

Online course


incl. taxes
One time payment

  • Acces to 15 videos
  • Unlimited acces
  •  Membership Facebook group
  •  Satisfaction guarantee or money back
Introduction to Stress Management 2.0

More well-being - less stress.
Stress Management 2.0


In this online course you will get 15 videos with specific, action-oriented tools that will reduce your stress and boost your overall well-being at the same time. Plus, you will get a lot of extra bonus material. You will have access to this content as long as you need it. You decide the pace and we'll be with you every step of the way. We will make sure that you get to the next steps in the process of better stress management. One step at a time until you reach it.

You will be offered a membership of a private Facebook group where you can share your experiences with the other participants. We are also members (and administrators in this group) and will not let you go before you reach your goal.

If you are not satisfied you will get your money back. Super satisfied customers are important, you are our ambassadors. Therefore, we will do anything for you to achieve the life you want. Both in terms of your job and in your private life.

You will get access to all the content at once, which means that you decide the pace. This is one of the biggest advantages regarding this stress management course.

Participants tell us

  • “Thanks for really valuable input, knowledge and tools. They really make a significant difference in my life – especially when bustle and challenges appear”

  • “Øvelserne gennem de 5 uger har været supergode. Jeg har fået åbnet mine øjne for nye værktøjer til at se på mit liv og for hvordan jeg kan vælge til og fra – til at finde mere ro. (…) Hold da op, hvor er det effektivt”

Participants tell us

  • “The exercises have been really valuable. They have opened my eyes towards new tools and how to choose and to find more ease. Wow, what an effect”

  • “Øvelserne gennem de 5 uger har været supergode. Jeg har fået åbnet mine øjne for nye værktøjer til at se på mit liv og for hvordan jeg kan vælge til og fra – til at finde mere ro. (…) Hold da op, hvor er det effektivt”

Did the course catch your attention? Get started today.

Frequently asked

What is the content of this course in stress management?

On this online course you will get 15 efficient tools to get more energy and less stress. On top of that you will get tools and knowledge, interviews with experts and a lot more. The foundation is our 3×5-model. It is 15 concrete exercises served in the right order. Less talk and more efficiency through actions

You promise that I can get my DKK 1495,- back within two weeks if I’m not happy with the course – how?
The platform of the course has a payment system, and this payment system is coded in a way, that if you regret, you will get the money back directly from the system. We live from and for happy customers, so if the course doesn’t work for you, then you will get your money back.
I can find a lot of stress management courses – what makes this special and why is it called 2.0?
What makes this course special is that you will get stress reducing exercises and at the same time exercises that increase your well-being. All scientifically proven tools to increase your energy and your well-being. I call it 2.0 because it has this double focus. Traditionally courses in stress management will give you tools to reducing stress but you need the other focus-areas also; how to increase your well-being to get long-term effect.
Do I gain anything from this course if I don’t have stress?
Yes. And it is better to prevent than to heal. You will still increase your well-being and gain a lot from the mental training. It will make you better at avoiding stress and you will get more energy.
Can companies buy this course?

Yes. Organizations can without any problem buy this and give their employees access to the course. Your organization will receive an invoice and give you access.

If your organization wants to buy the course for all their employees, then just contact us. Then we can find the best solution so that all employees and leaders can get access. And because it is digital we can make this a much better deal for the organizations.

Public organizations can participate too. We can send a so-called EAN-invoice, but you need to contact us re this first. 

It is an online course. Isn’t is much better to sit in front of a real person?

 The big advantage with this online course is that you can do it whenever it suits you and your plan. And there are real professionals behind the course and in the Facebook group. 

If you have a lot of energy and time you can take the whole course in 5 weeks. But if you don’t – you can wait with some of the exercises or spend more time with each exercise and let if run for e.g. 5 weeks if that suits you better. You decide the pace and have eternal access to the course. That is one of the big benefits of an online course. 

You have probably tried it – get home from a great course full of knowledge and engagement. 3 weeks after you can only remember 10% of the course and your motivation has disappeared in the everyday bustle. The result: you get only very little benefit from the course even though the content might have been great.
That will not happen with an online course because you will get access to the videos and the content all the time. You can see the videos again and again and you can always go back and get the instructions again if you need it. You can also get help and sparring which is essential in stress management

But of course: an online course is different than seeing psychologist in 10-20 hours. Also time- and money-wise. As psychologists we can dig deeper into e.g. childhood traumas that can lie underneath stress. This type of treatment cannot be healed in an online course. So, we recommend you to go to your doctor if you are really sick from stress. You will still be able to benefit from this course, but you need to seek professional help also. 

Is this course for everybody?

 If you experience some stress symptomes then this course is perfect. If you want to prevent stress then this course is perfect. Are you really sick from stress then I recommend you to talk to your doctor – we hope you can see that we really mean this!

Everybody talks about stress. Is this also just talk – as in: 10 stress symptoms you need to know? Or something about that this is your leaders fault?

No. Talk is fine but action is better. This course is actions oriented but with small actions that make a significant difference. This course focuses on things you can change. The tools in this course are action oriented and very concrete. And after the first two weeks you will start to feel the difference.

Am I alone on this course?

No. You will get an invitation into a closed Facebook group. In here you can ask questions and get motivation from us and other participants. This social support makes a big difference for a lot of people. Remember – this Facebook group is only something you can use if you want to – you don’t have to.

I know that a psychologist is behind this, but can he put himself into my position when it comes to my stress symptoms?

 Yes. Our psychologist Henrik Leslye has been ill with stress some years ago. Pretty severe stress. And along came a depression. So, he knows how terrible stress is and has tried all the tools in this course and knows that they work and how they work. He went from severe stress to well-being and a lot of energy.

And Henrik still studies stress and is surrounded by the world’s best experts in stress. He will continuously interview these experts and have them share their knowledge and best tools. Henrik has also asked 150 of his customers what they would like in a course like this. Almost everybody says; tools. 

Who is Jette Skeem?

Jette is head of HR and Communications at Aller Media A/S, and is also an Advisory Board Member at the Danish School of Media and Journalism. She has a masters degree in International Business, Language and Culture from the University of Southern Denmark. For over a decade Jette has helped companies around the world as well as their employees reach their full potential.

Full satisfaction or you get your money back.

If you are not completely satisfied, then you will get a full refund within the first 14 days.

We know that the elements of this course in stress management works. But people are different, and not everyone feels the same way. If this online course doesn't suit you and your needs, then you can of course get a refund. 

"Henrik is my mental gym"

International Key Note speaker, CEO and entrepreneur

Soulaima Gourani

Some of our references

Yes please, I would like to get started right away
so I can get more well-being.

Further questions?

Then you are more than welcome to email Henrik at

This course can also be purchased by companies and a solution can be found to give their employees acces to the course.

This course is for anyone who wants to prevent or reduce stress. If you are severely affected by stress I would advice you to see a doctor or a psychologist first.

Online kursus

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