On this online course you will get 15 efficient tools to increase your energy and decrease stress. On top of that you will get tools and knowledge, interviews with experts and a lot more. The foundation is our 3×5-model. It is 15 specific exercises served in the right order. Less talk and more efficiency through actions.
Talk is fine but action is better. This course is action-oriented but with small actions that make a significant difference. This course focuses on things you have the ability to change in your life. And after the first two weeks you will start to feel the difference.
Then you are more than welcome to email Henrik at henrik@henrikleslye.dk
This course can also be purchased by companies and a solution can be found to give their employees acces to the course.
This course is for anyone who wants to prevent or reduce stress. If you are severely affected by stress I would advice you to see a doctor or a psychologist first.